Saturday, March 16, 2013

God Loves Dirty, Horrible Sinners.

God loves dirty, horrible sinners.  Yep.  How do I know?  I'm one of them.

The other day I did something stupid.  I, thinking I was being really funny, made a rude and sarcastic comment on a picture someone else put up on Facebook.  It only took a few words to cause harm but those few words were careless.

The Bible tells us that our tongue - the words we use - it's like fire.  One little spark used the wrong way can set an entire forest into a blaze!

Unfortunately I often forget the power of my words.

 All I wanted was to get a laugh... 

... unfortunately at the expense of another person.

It wasn't worth it.

After I realized what I had said, I deleted the comment and sent a private message to the person I had offended offering my sincerest apology.  I never received a response.
This doesn't even begin to touch on the idea that those words are out there somewhere on the vast internet forever.  Somewhere there is still record of what I said.  This brings me to my main point.  Even if I had deleted the post before anyone saw it, someone would have known what I did (and I don't mean that the original poster would receive and e-mail).

God sees all of our worst moments.  He sees us at our lowest.  He looks at us when we are filthy.

And yet...

... that is when he first loved us.

God still loves me when I am most depraved.  When I am most corrupt.  When I deserve it least.  He looks on me with love when I am so ashamed I can barely crawl to Him to ask beg for my forgiveness.

It is when I look at all of the horrible and most sinful things that I have ever done (or even thought... I mean really thought about doing) that I am most thankful for God's unbounded love and miraculous forgiveness.

In the grand scheme of things, is a hurtful word the worst thing I've done in my life?  Nah.  But, 
I know that I need to be more careful with what I say.

I'm going to write another post on this topic soon - this idea of confession.  But for now, what I want to know is if you have ever said something you regretted on Facebook (or in real life)?  Also, how did you go about trying to fix it?

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