10. Awesome hikes:
At Shiloh we get to enjoy a beautiful hike to a mountaintop (hilltop for all you west coast/rocky mtn. folks) that overlooks one of the most beautiful reservoir views I've ever seen. Sunrise, sunset, or anywhere in between you won't regret this sort of mountaintop experience.9. Challenge courses:
How often do you get to rock climb up 50 feet in the air? How many zip lines have you been on? How about some team building or problem solving 20 feet above the ground? Looking for a rush? This is where it's at!8. Camp food
Many people think that camp food is unhealthy and tastes terrible. You can blame Hollywood for that one. But the truth is, most camps try to offer healthy options for their campers. Not to mention that I can't remember ever walking away from a camp meal still hungry. Also, s'mores. 'Nuff said.
7. Bows & Arrows:
That's right! Bows & arrows! In NJ it is pretty unusual to have regular access to this stuff. Boys can finally do more than pretend to be Robin Hood and Girls can more than pretend to be Katniss Everdeen. At camp you can learn exactly what it takes to be an archer like the best of them!
6. Late night conversations:
Sleepover conversations are one of the best things about growing up. But that is only good for one night. At camp, you get to do this for a whole week! Often the hilarity that ensues during these conversations is beyond mention. But I would guarantee that at least one night during your week at camp, something serious worked its way into the discussion and you created a real connection with someone.
5. Music
Most people don't get opportunities to sing out loud other than alone in their own car. But at camp, you can sing loud and proud regardless of the quality your voice. Music helps connect people to a degree that other mediums could never even come close to.
4. Camp fires
I think that my favorite smell in the entire world is that of a camp fire. The smell that lingers on your clothing is earthy and warm and brings back so many great memories. Some music and some time to share about your week make this a special time for a lot of folks. Also, s'mores. Again, 'Nuff said.3. The Staff
I still remember camp counselors from when I was a little kid. Most specifically I remember a guy named Shane and his brother Tim. They always ran the clinic for R.C. cars. One of the best things about the staff is that you can eventually be a part of it! Some of my co-workers became best friends (and vice versa). That brings me to my next point
2. New friends
I don't think that I could list all of the wonderful people that I met at camp. Those late night conversations help to add depth to a connection that is made while picking teams for dodgeball, singing camp songs, or fighting over that last piece of bacon at breakfast.
1. It can change your life:
A single weekend away at camp can change your life forever. Imagine what a whole week, month, or even a summer at camp can do! During the school year, many kids eat for free at school, but in the summer, for some families they have trouble scrounging up money for the extra meal. For these campers, a scholarshiped week at camp is the only week all summer that they don't go hungry. That can help change a life. Some kid's don't have anyone at home who will listen to them - a "seen but not heard" mentality. Having a camp counselor who will listen to them, encourage them, and believe in them can change a life. Thousands of campers also choose to have a relationship with a God who loves them deeply. Now that is a changed life!
Did I forget anything? Feel like I left something out? Feel free to share some of your memories in the comment section!