Mostly, I am thankful for the fantastic opportunities with which God has blessed me. I have had the chance to learn the basics (and I do mean really basic) of several trades. I've taught a blind man archery. I have almost completely worked my way out of my day job and into my dream job (big shout out to Jon Acuff and his book Quitter for that). God has also blessed me with the wonderful opportunity to lead worship with my dad each week at Ringwood Baptist Church.
God has blessed me so richly!
But a few days ago someone mentioned to me that they were so amazed at the things that I'm doing in my life. They went on and on about how wonderful it was that I was becoming a missionary and how they wished they could do the things that I do, see God moving the way I see Him moving, and be a part of God's big plan.
This came from a man who has been a Christian for years. Many years. More years than I have even been alive.
It made me sad that this man was so darn chicken. It struck me that there may be just as many people who are afraid of God's goodness and blessings of success in their life as there are people who are afraid of God's wrath and believe that God is out there to make us miserable.
In reaction, I first wished he would realize that I haven't done anything on my own. God said "Go". So I went. God said, "Speak". So I spoke. God said, "Do". So I did. I don't have any secret formula for prayer. I don't have a red phone with God on the other side. I don't have any sort of special blessing from God. I'm not anything more than a man. I just obey. And even that I don't do half as much as I know I should or half as well as I'd like!
Second, I wished he would realize that he can be seeing God work in his life and in the lives of those around him. How? Obey. Now I'm not saying that everyone out there should go into full time mission work. And I'm not saying that everyone will or even should have the same experiences along their life-journey with God. But what I am saying is that the shock and awe of hearing that God is still alive and kickin' Should. Not. Be.
So, to you my readers. I pose a few questions:
1. What God-borne experience are you thankful to God for this year?
2. If you haven't experienced anything in the last year that was definitely from God, are you ready for change?
3. What is preventing you or hindering you from growing closer to God and being a part of his story?
In an apropos attempt to be witty Post-Thanksgiving, I'll conclude this post with a flock of foul/fowl puns.
- Don't be a turkey - God doesn't call us to be fools, he call us to be as shrewd as serpents and gentle as doves.
- Don't be a chicken - The most common commandment in the Bible is "Fear not!"
- Remember that un-pheasant circumstances are no excuse to grouse to your spouse. It isn't worth the squab-le or all the hen-ing and hawk-ing.
- If you feel cooped up, stuck in a rut, seek God, listen, and obey.
- When God gives you a chance to work, pigeon (pitch in) and do your part.
- Trust God - Sometimes if feels like you are flying by the seat of your pants or are living on a wing and a prayer, but God holds firm and knows eggs-actly what he is doing.